Printcenter Eesti AS, Nurmevälja 3, Maardu 74114, Harju county, Estonia
+372 634 9300

United Kingdom is one of the largest producers of the printed products worldwide and has a contribution of approximately one pound billion of the United Kingdom’s balance of trade. However the marketing is an essential part in the statistics of printing and also has a significant indirect and direct impact.

As per the analysis of research of ONS PRODCOM data in the year it has been seen that 34 percent was used in tickets, event programmes + advertising literature, etc.; 30 percent was used in brochures, books, magazines, newspapers, popup displays, etc.; 5 percent was used in security printing; 14 percent was used in printed labels and packaging and 17 percent in other printing. The productivity of UK print market stats is 1.3 percent in whole economy, 3.1 percent is manufacturing, 1.4 percent in pulp, paper, publishing and printing, and 1.3 percent in services.

However a major decline in the industry of printing has occurred to be slow in the previous three consecutive months and also the sectors are charging better than the other industries. (sales stands displays) The lowest figure in the UK print market stats has been seen in September in the year 2008 and the second lowest figure has been seen in July in the year 2012 which is most lower than 1,030 facing certain significant difficulties in March. The print industry has witnessed a 15 percent quarterly fall in the organizations which faced specific difficulties causing the highest fall of any type of print sector, which came out of recession period.

Painotalo Tryckeri Trykkeri Trykkeri Drukkerij Print House Trükikoda